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Bio.Util Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Bio.Util"]

Public classCharToDoubleWithLimitsConverter
A char to double converter that limits the size of the double.
Public classComparisonWrapperT
Wrapper class to use Comparison delegate.
Public classDeltaAlignmentCollection
This class provides indexer access to the DeltaAlignments stored in the specified delta alignment file. This class uses a file to hold DeltaAlignment id's from the deltaAlignment file. As the id of delta alignment itself is the location in the file, using DeltaAlignmentParser and FastASequencePositionParser this class gets the delta alignment on demand.
Public classDeltaAlignmentParser
This parser reads from a source of text that contains DeltaAlignments and converts the data to in-memory DeltaAlignment objects.
Public classDeltaAlignmentSorter
DeltaAlignment sorter. Uses AVL tree to sort the deltaAligmments on FirstSequenceStart.
Public classDictionaryExtensions
Extension methods for IDictionary{TKey,TValue}
Public classFastASequencePositionParser
This class is similar to FastAParser except that this class appends the position of the sequence parsed to its id.
Public classHashSetComparerT
A basic hashset comparer which compares the contents of two hashsets. Basically built to use with Dictionary.
Public classHashSetExtensions
Extension methods related to HashSet
Public classHelper
Generally useful static methods.
Public classHttpUtility
Provides methods for encoding URLs when processing Web requests.
Public classIEnumerableExtensions
Extensions to IEnumerable{T}
Public classLongSerialNumbersT
Provides serial numbers to each Elements.
Public classNode
Class to hold id and value pair.
Public classParser
A class for parsing strings to values of a desired type.
Public classPrimitiveExtensions
Public classRangeCollection
A set of longs. Internally, represents this set as a sequence of ranges, for example, 1-10,333-1200,1300, so if the longs are clumpy then RangeCollection is very fast and uses very little memory.
Public classRestrictedAccessDictionaryTKey, TValue
A thin wrapper around Dictionary that allows access permissions to be set. Any changes not allowed result in an exception.
Public classSerialNumbersT
Assigns serial number of objects
Public classUOPair
Defines a static Create method.
Public classValueConverter
A set of predefined converter pairs for use with ConvertValueView.
Public classValueConverterTInput, TOutput
A pair of functions used by ConvertView to transform a matrix's non-missing values from one type to another. The two functions are perfect inverses of each other.
Public structureUOPairT
Defines a pair in which the order of the two items are always keep sorted. This struct is hashable and IComparable based on its elements.
Public enumerationAccessFlags
Access flags that define what is allowed in a RestrictedAccessDictionary. The can be combined with bit-wise OR.