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IEnumerableExtensions Class
Extensions to IEnumerable{T}
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Bio.Util
Assembly: Bio.Core (in Bio.Core.dll) Version: (
public static class IEnumerableExtensions

The IEnumerableExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAppendT(IEnumerableT, IEnumerableT)
Yield a concatenation of the two Enumerable lists
Public methodStatic memberAppendT(IEnumerableT, T)
Yield an Enumeration of the list with the item appended to the end
Public methodStatic memberAsSingletonEnumerableT
Yield this
Public methodStatic memberElementAtTSource
Returns the element at a specified index in a sequence.
Public methodStatic memberFirstT
Same semantics as Enumerable.First(), but optimized for ILists. Throws an exception if the list is empty.
Public methodStatic memberForEachT(IEnumerableT, ActionT)
Calls an action on each element of a sequence. The action takes one argument: an element. It has no return value.
Public methodStatic memberForEachT(IEnumerableT, ActionT, Int32)
Calls an action on each element of a sequence. The action takes two arguments: an element and the index of the element. It has no return value.
Public methodStatic memberLastT
Same semantics as Enumerable.Last(), but optimized for ILists. Throws an exception if the list is empty.
Public methodStatic memberShuffleT
Shuffles the elements of a sequence.
Public methodStatic memberSingleT
Same semantics as Enumerable.Single(IEnumerable), but optimized for ILists. Throws an exception if list does not contain exactly 1 element. Otherwise returns that element.
Public methodStatic memberStringJoin(IEnumerable)
Creates a string from a sequence of elements. No delimiter is used.
Public methodStatic memberStringJoin(IEnumerable, String)
Creates a delimited string from a sequence of elements.
Public methodStatic memberStringJoin(IEnumerable, String, Int32, String)
Creates a delimited string from a sequence of elements. At most maxLength elements will be used and "..." shows that more elements were in the list.
Public methodStatic memberSubSequenceT
Take the items from a sequence starting with item # start (index 0) and contining for count items.
Public methodStatic memberToDictionaryT1, T2
Creates a dictionary from a sequence of KeyValuePairs. If the sequence is already a Dictionary, a new Dictionary is still created.
Public methodStatic memberToHashSetT(IEnumerableT)
Creates a HashSet from a sequence. If the sequence is already a HashSet, a new HashSet is still created.
Public methodStatic memberToHashSetT(IEnumerableT, IEqualityComparerT)
Creates a HashSet from a sequence. If the sequence is already a HashSet, a new HashSet is still created.
Public methodStatic memberToQueueT
Creates a Queue from a sequence. If the sequence is already a Queue, a new Queue is still created.
See Also