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Bio.Algorithms.Kmer Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Bio.Algorithms.Kmer"]

Public classKmerIndexer
Structure that maintains sequence index, count information and orientation for k-mer.
Public classKmerIndexerDictionary
Wrapper for dictionary that maps kmer strings to list of sequence index and positions of occurrence.
Public classKmerPositionDictionary
Wrapper for dictionary that maps kmer strings to list of positions of occurrence.
Public classKmersOfSequence
Contains base sequence, and information regarding associated k-mers.
Public classKmersOfSequenceKmerPositions
Contains information regarding k-mer position in the base sequence.
Public classSequenceToKmerBuilder
Constructs k-mers from given input sequence(s). For each input sequence, k-mers are constructed by sliding a frame of size kmerLength along the input sequence, and extracting sub-sequence inside the frame.
Public structureKmerData32
Holds the KmerData.
Public interfaceIKmerBuilder
This interface defines contract for classes that implement construction of k-mer sequences from input sequences. It provides methods that take input sequence(s) and construct corresponding k-mers.