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PairwiseSequenceAligner Class
Base class for our pair-wise sequence aligners. This implements the core shared portions of the Smith-Waterman and Needleman-Wunsch aligners.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Bio.Algorithms.Alignment
Assembly: Bio.Core (in Bio.Core.dll) Version: (
public abstract class PairwiseSequenceAligner : IPairwiseSequenceAligner, 

The PairwiseSequenceAligner type exposes the following members.

Protected methodPairwiseSequenceAligner
Default constructor
Public propertyConsensusResolver
Gets or sets the object that will be used to compute the alignment's consensus.
Public propertyDescription
Gets the Description of the current Alignment algorithm used. This is a overridden property from the abstract parent.
Public propertyGapExtensionCost
Gets or sets value of GapExtensionCost The GapExtensionCost is the cost of extending an already existing gap. This is only used in the affine gap model
Public propertyGapOpenCost
Gets or sets value of GapOpenCost The GapOpenCost is the cost of inserting a gap character into a sequence.
Public propertyIncludeScoreTable
True to include the score table and matrix as part of the output. This is placed into the Metadata for the alignment. It is turned off by default due to the expense of generating it.
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the current Alignment algorithm used. This is a overridden property from the abstract parent.
Public propertySimilarityMatrix
Gets or sets value of similarity matrix The similarity matrix determines the score for any possible pair of symbols that are encountered at a common location across the sequences being aligned.
Public methodAlign(IEnumerableISequence)
Align aligns the set of input sequences using the affine gap model (gap open and gap extension penalties) and returns the best alignment found.
Public methodAlign(ISequence, ISequence)
Align aligns the set of input sequences using the affine gap model (gap open and gap extension penalties) and returns the best alignment found.
Public methodAlign(SimilarityMatrix, Int32, Int32, ISequence, ISequence)
Pairwise alignment of two sequences using an affine gap penalty. The various algorithms in derived classes (NeedlemanWunsch, SmithWaterman, and PairwiseOverlap) all use this general engine for alignment with an affine gap penalty.
Public methodAlignSimple(IEnumerableISequence)
AlignSimple aligns the set of input sequences using the linear gap model (one gap penalty), and returns the best alignment found.
Public methodAlignSimple(ISequence, ISequence)
AlignSimple aligns the set of input sequences using the linear gap model (one gap penalty), and returns the best alignment found.
Public methodAlignSimple(SimilarityMatrix, Int32, ISequence, ISequence)
Pairwise alignment of two sequences using a linear gap penalty. The various algorithms in derived classes (NeedlemanWunsch, SmithWaterman, and PairwiseOverlap) all use this general engine for alignment with a linear gap penalty.
Protected methodCreateAlignmentFromCell
This takes a specific starting location in the scoring matrix and generates an alignment from it using the traceback scores.
Protected methodCreateTracebackTable
This is step (2) in the dynamic programming model - to fill in the scoring matrix and calculate the traceback entries. This is algorithm specific and so is left as an abstract method.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodInitialize
This is step (1) in the dynamic programming model - to initialize the default values for the scoring matrix and traceback tables.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodTracebackIsComplete
This method is used to determine when the traceback step is complete. It is algorithm specific.
Protected field_gap
The gap character being used for the shared alphabet between the reference and query sequence.
Protected field_sequence1
Original sequence
Protected field_sequence2
Original sequence #2
Protected fieldCols
Columns in ScoreTable
Protected fieldh_Gap_Length
This array keeps track of the length of gaps up to a point along the horizontal axis. Only used with the affine gap model
Protected fieldQuerySequence
The query sequence being aligned (sequence #2)
Protected fieldReferenceSequence
The reference sequence being aligned (sequence #1)
Protected fieldRows
Rows in ScoreTable
Protected fieldScoreTable
Generated score table - this is filled in with the scoring matrix when debugging
Protected fieldTraceback
Traceback table built during the matrix creation step
Protected fieldusingAffineGapModel
A variable to keep track of whether the traceback table was constructed with an affine gap model.
Protected fieldv_Gap_Length
This array keeps track of the length of gaps up to a point along the vertical axis. nly used with the affine gap model.
See Also