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GenBankMetadata Properties

The GenBankMetadata type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccession
Accession is identifier assigned to each GenBank sequence record.
Public propertyBaseCount
Summary of the number of occurrences of each base pair code (a, c, t, g, and other) in the sequence. This is obsolete and was removed from the GenBank flat-file format in October 2003.
Public propertyComments
Cross-references to other sequence entries, comparisons to other collections, notes of changes in LOCUS names, and other remarks.
Public propertyContig
provides information about how individual sequence records can be combined to form larger-scale biological objects, such as chromosomes or complete genomes. Rather than presenting actual sequence data, a special join() statement provides the accession numbers and base pair ranges of the underlying records which comprise the object.
Public propertyDbLink Obsolete.
DBLink provides cross-references to resources that support the existence a sequence record, such as the Project Database and the NCBI Trace Assembly Archive.
Public propertyDbLinks
DBLinks provides a list of cross-references to resources that support the existence a sequence record, such as the Project Database and the NCBI Trace Assembly Archive.
Public propertyDbSource
DBSource provies reference to the GenBank record from which the protein translation was obtained.
Public propertyDefinition
Gets or sets the definition. Definition is a concise description of the sequence
Public propertyFeatures
Containing information on portions of the sequence that code for proteins and RNA molecules and information on experimentally determined sites of biological significance.
Public propertyKeywords
Short phrases describing gene products and other information about the sequence.
Public propertyLocus
Gets or sets the locaus information. Locus is a short mnemonic name for the entry, chosen to suggest the sequence's definition
Public propertyOrigin
Specification of how the first base of the reported sequence is operationally located within the genome. Where possible, this includes its location within a larger genetic map.
Public propertyPrimary
Provides the reference to the primary GenBank files from which annotations in this file are derived.
Public propertyProject
The identifier of a project (such as a Genome Sequencing Project) to which a GenBank sequence record belongs. This is obsolete and was removed from the GenBank flat-file format after Release 171.0 in April 2009.
Public propertyReferences
Citations for all articles containing data reported in this entry.
Public propertySegment
Segment provides the information on the order in which this entry appears in a series of discontinuous sequences from the same molecule.
Public propertySource
Source provides the common name of the organism or the name most frequently used in the literature along with the taxonomic classification levels
Public propertyVersion
A compound identifier consisting of the primary accession number and a numeric version number associated with the current version of the sequence data in the record. This is followed by an integer key (a "GI") assigned to the sequence by NCBI.
See Also