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DictionaryExtensions Methods

The DictionaryExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAsRestrictedAccessDictionaryTKey, TValue(IDictionaryTKey, TValue)
Creates a shallow ReadOnly dictionary wrapper around the given dictionary.
Public methodStatic memberAsRestrictedAccessDictionaryTKey, TValue(IDictionaryTKey, TValue, AccessFlags)
Creates a shallow restricted access dictionary wrapper around the given dictionary. Only access specified by the flags is allowed.
Public methodStatic memberGetValueOrDefaultTKey, TValue(IDictionaryTKey, TValue, TKey)
Gets a value from a dictionary. If they value is not there, adds the default value to the dictionary and returns that. Not thread safe because it can add items to the dictionary.
Public methodStatic memberGetValueOrDefaultTKey, TValue(IDictionaryTKey, TValue, TKey, Boolean)
Returns the value associated with key in the dictionary. If not present, adds the default value to the dictionary and returns that value.
Public methodStatic memberGetValueOrDefaultTKey, TValue(IDictionaryTKey, TValue, TKey, TValue)
Returns the value associated with key in the dictionary. If not present, adds the default value to the dictionary and returns that value.
Public methodStatic memberGetValueOrDefaultTKey, TValue(IDictionaryTKey, TValue, TKey, FuncTValue, Boolean)
Returns the value associated with key in the dictionary. If not present, adds the default value to the dictionary and returns that value.
Public methodStatic memberGetValueOrDefaultTKey, TValue(IDictionaryTKey, TValue, TKey, TValue, Boolean)
Returns the value associated with key in the dictionary. If not present, adds the default value to the dictionary and returns that value.
Public methodStatic memberInvertTKey, TValue
With throw exception if not 1-1 mapping.
See Also