QualitativeSequence Methods |
The QualitativeSequence type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ConvertEncodedQualityScore(FastQFormatType, FastQFormatType, Byte) |
Converts Encoded quality score from to specified format.
| |
ConvertEncodedQualityScore(FastQFormatType, FastQFormatType, Byte) |
Converts Encoded quality scores from to specified format.
| |
ConvertQualityScore |
Converts Quality score from to specified format.
| |
ConvertQualityScores(FastQFormatType, FastQFormatType, Int32) |
Converts Quality scores from to specified format.
| |
ConvertQualityScores(FastQFormatType, FastQFormatType, SByte) |
Converts Quality scores from to specified format.
| |
ConvertTo |
Converts the current instance to the specified FastQ format type
and returns a new instance of QualitativeSequence.
| |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetComplementedSequence |
Return a new QualitativeSequence representing the complement of this QualitativeSequence.
| |
GetDefaultQualScore |
Gets the default quality score for the specified FastQFormatType.
| |
GetEncodedQualityScore |
Gets the encoded quality score found at the specified index if within bounds. Note that the index value start at 0.
| |
GetEncodedQualityScores |
Gets the encoded quality scores.
| |
GetEnumerator |
Gets an enumerator to the bytes present symbols in this sequence.
| |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetMaxEncodedQualScore |
Gets the maximum encoded quality score for the specified FastQFormatType.
| |
GetMinEncodedQualScore |
Gets the minimum encoded quality score for the specified FastQFormatType.
| |
GetPhredQualityScore |
Gets the Phred base quality score.
| |
GetPhredQualityScores |
Gets the Phred base quality scores.
| |
GetQualityScore |
Returns base quality scores at specified index.
Returns Solexa quality scores if the FastQFormat type of this instance is Solexa Illumina v1.0,
else returns Phred quality scores.
| |
GetQualityScores |
Returns base quality scores.
Returns Solexa quality scores if the FastQFormat type of this instance is Solexa Illumina v1.0,
else returns Phred quality scores.
| |
GetReverseComplementedSequence |
Return a new QualitativeSequence representing the reverse complement of this QualitativeSequence.
| |
GetReversedSequence |
Return a new QualitativeSequence representing this QualitativeSequence with the orientation reversed.
| |
GetSolexaQualityScore |
Gets the Solexa base quality score.
| |
GetSolexaQualityScores |
Gets the solexa base quality scores.
| |
GetSubSequence |
Return a new QualitativeSequence representing a range (subsequence) of this QualitativeSequence.
| |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
IndexOfNonGap |
Gets the index of first non-gap symbol.
| |
IndexOfNonGap(Int64) |
Returns the position of the first symbol beyond startPos that does not
have a Gap symbol.
| |
LastIndexOfNonGap |
Gets the index of last non-gap symbol.
| |
LastIndexOfNonGap(Int64) |
Returns the index of last non-gap symbol before the specified end position.
| |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
ToString |
Returns a string representation of the Qualitative sequence data. This representation
will come from the symbols in the alphabet defined for the sequence.
Also their Quality scores.
(Overrides ObjectToString.) | |
ValidateQualScores |
Validates whether the specified encoded quality scores are within the FastQFormatType limit or not.
Name | Description | |
AppendByte(Byte) | Overloaded.
Yield an Enumeration of the list with the item appended to the end
(Defined by IEnumerableExtensions.) | |
AppendByte(IEnumerableByte) | Overloaded.
Yield a concatenation of the two Enumerable lists
(Defined by IEnumerableExtensions.) | |
ConvertToString |
Converts the sequence to a string.
(Defined by SequenceExtensions.) | |
ElementAtByte |
Returns the element at a specified index in a sequence.
(Defined by IEnumerableExtensions.) | |
ForEachByte(ActionByte) | Overloaded.
Calls an action on each element of a sequence. The action takes one argument: an element. It has no return value.
(Defined by IEnumerableExtensions.) | |
ForEachByte(ActionByte, Int32) | Overloaded.
Calls an action on each element of a sequence. The action takes two arguments: an element and the index of the element.
It has no return value.
(Defined by IEnumerableExtensions.) | |
IsMarkedAsReverseComplement |
This checks for a sequence marker to determine if the given ISequence was generated from
a reverse complement.
(Defined by SequenceExtensions.) | |
MarkAsReverseComplement |
This adds a key to the Metadata to indicate this is a reversed sequence
(Defined by SequenceExtensions.) | |
ShuffleByte |
Shuffles the elements of a sequence.
(Defined by IEnumerableExtensions.) | |
StringJoin | Overloaded.
Creates a string from a sequence of elements. No delimiter is used.
(Defined by IEnumerableExtensions.) | |
StringJoin(String) | Overloaded.
Creates a delimited string from a sequence of elements.
(Defined by IEnumerableExtensions.) | |
StringJoin(String, Int32, String) | Overloaded.
Creates a delimited string from a sequence of elements. At most maxLength elements will be used and "..." shows that more elements were in the list.
(Defined by IEnumerableExtensions.) | |
SubSequenceByte |
Take the items from a sequence starting with item # start (index 0) and contining for count items.
(Defined by IEnumerableExtensions.) | |
ToHashSetByte | Overloaded.
Creates a HashSet from a sequence. If the sequence is already a HashSet, a new HashSet is still created.
(Defined by IEnumerableExtensions.) | |
ToHashSetByte(IEqualityComparerByte) | Overloaded.
Creates a HashSet from a sequence. If the sequence is already a HashSet, a new HashSet is still created.
(Defined by IEnumerableExtensions.) | |
ToQueueByte |
Creates a Queue from a sequence. If the sequence is already a Queue, a new Queue is still created.
(Defined by IEnumerableExtensions.) |