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AmbiguousRnaAlphabet Properties

The AmbiguousRnaAlphabet type exposes the following members.

Public propertyA
Gets A - Adenine.
(Inherited from RnaAlphabet.)
Public propertyAC
Gets Ambiguous symbols A-Adenine C-Cytosine.
Public propertyACU
Gets Ambiguous symbols A-Adenine C-Cytosine U-Uracil.
Public propertyAny
Gets Ambiguous symbol Any.
Public propertyAU
Gets Ambiguous symbols A-Adenine U-Uracil.
Public propertyC
Gets C - Cytosine.
(Inherited from RnaAlphabet.)
Public propertyCount
Gets count of nucleotides.
(Inherited from RnaAlphabet.)
Public propertyG
Gets G - Guanine.
(Inherited from RnaAlphabet.)
Public propertyGA
Gets Ambiguous symbols G-Guanine A-Adenine.
Public propertyGap
Gets Default Gap symbol.
(Inherited from RnaAlphabet.)
Public propertyGAU
Gets Ambiguous symbols G-Guanine A-Adenine U-Uracil.
Public propertyGC
Gets Ambiguous symbols G-Guanine C-Cytosine.
Public propertyGCA
Gets Ambiguous symbols G-Guanine C-Cytosine A-Adenine.
Public propertyGU
Gets Ambiguous symbols G-Guanine U-Uracil.
Public propertyGUC
Gets Ambiguous symbols G-Guanine U-Uracil C-Cytosine.
Public propertyHasAmbiguity
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this alphabet has ambiguous symbols. This alphabet does have ambiguous symbols.
(Inherited from RnaAlphabet.)
Public propertyHasGaps
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this alphabet has a gap symbol. This alphabet does have a gap symbol.
(Inherited from RnaAlphabet.)
Public propertyHasTerminations
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this alphabet has termination symbols. This alphabet does not have termination symbols.
(Inherited from RnaAlphabet.)
Public propertyIsComplementSupported
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Complement is supported on this Alphabet. This alphabet has support for complement.
(Inherited from RnaAlphabet.)
Public propertyItem
Gets the byte value of item at the given index.
(Inherited from RnaAlphabet.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets Friendly name for Alphabet type.
(Inherited from RnaAlphabet.)
Public propertyU
Gets U - Uracil.
(Inherited from RnaAlphabet.)
Public propertyUC
Gets Ambiguous symbols U-Uracil C-Cytosine.
See Also