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TransferMessengerRna Properties

The TransferMessengerRna type exposes the following members.

Public propertyKey
Gets the key for this item. These are not necessarily unique within a list, which is why this is a property of an object to be included in a list, rather than omitting this as a property and using a dictionary instead of a list.
(Inherited from FeatureItem.)
Public propertyLabel
A label used to permanently tag a feature.
(Inherited from FeatureItem.)
Public propertyLocation
Gets the location of this feature in the sequence. This may also refers to other genbank files. For example, join(100..200,J00194.1:1..150) In this example location specifies joining of bases from 100 to 200 from the sequence in which this location data present and bases from 1 to 150 from the sequence who's accession number is J00194.1.
(Inherited from FeatureItem.)
Public propertyQualifiers
Gets the dictionary of attributes.
(Inherited from FeatureItem.)
Public propertyTagPeptide
Base location encoding the polypeptide for proteolysis tag of tmRNA and its termination codon.
See Also