SimilarityMatrix Constructor (TextReader) |
Namespace: Bio.SimilarityMatrices
For custom similarity matrices: First line is descriptive name, will be stored as a string. Second line define the molecule type. Must be "DNA", "RNA", or "Protein". Third line is alphabet (symbol map). It contains n characters and optional white space. Following lines are values for each row of matrix Must be n numbers per line, n lines
In some cases the molecule type is implicit in the matrix. This is true for the supported standard matrices (BLOSUM and PAM series at this point), and for the standard encodings IUPACna, NCBIA2na, NCBI2na, NCBI4na, and NCBIeaa. For these cases: First line is descriptive name, will be stored as a string. Second line is the encoding name for the standard encodings (IUPACna, NCBIA2na, NCBI2na, NCBI4na, or NCBIeaa) or the alphabet (symbol map) for the standard matrices. Following lines are values for each row of matrix Must be n numbers per line, n lines; or in the case of the supported encoding, sufficient entries to handle all possible indices (0 through max index value).