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RangeCollectionParse Method
Parses strings of the form -10--5,-2-10,12-12 . Spaces are allowed, no other characters are. If mergeOverlappingRanges, then, for example, 2-3,4-5 is represented as 2-5. Otherwise, they're maintained as separate ranges. The only difference is in the behavior of the ToString() call. By extension, this will change how a RangeCollection is parsed into a RangeCollectionCollection using the latter's GetInstance(RangeCollection) initializer.

Namespace: Bio.Util
Assembly: Bio.Core (in Bio.Core.dll) Version: (
public static RangeCollection Parse(
	string ranges


Type: SystemString
A range or the string empty. \"empty\" will return an empty range.

Return Value

Type: RangeCollection
a new RangeCollection
See Also