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PairwiseOverlapAligner Properties

The PairwiseOverlapAligner type exposes the following members.

Public propertyConsensusResolver
Gets or sets the object that will be used to compute the alignment's consensus.
(Inherited from DynamicProgrammingPairwiseAligner.)
Public propertyDescription
Gets the description of the pair-wise-Overlap algorithm used. This is a overridden property from the abstract parent. This property returns a simple description of what PairwiseOverlapAligner class implements.
(Overrides DynamicProgrammingPairwiseAlignerDescription.)
Public propertyGapExtensionCost
Gets or sets gap extension penalty for use in alignment algorithms. Not used for alignments using a linear gap penalty. For alignments using an affine gap, this is the penalty to extend an existing gap. This is a negative number, for example GapExtensionCost = -2, not +2.
(Inherited from DynamicProgrammingPairwiseAligner.)
Public propertyGapOpenCost
Gets or sets gap open penalty for use in alignment algorithms. For alignments using a linear gap penalty, this is the gap penalty. For alignments using an affine gap, this is the penalty to open a new gap. This is a negative number, for example GapOpenCost = -8, not +8.
(Inherited from DynamicProgrammingPairwiseAligner.)
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the current Alignment algorithm used. This is a overridden property from the abstract parent. This property returns the Name of our algorithm i.e pair-wise-Overlap algorithm.
(Overrides DynamicProgrammingPairwiseAlignerName.)
Public propertySimilarityMatrix
Gets or sets similarity matrix for use in alignment algorithms.
(Inherited from DynamicProgrammingPairwiseAligner.)
See Also