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LocationResolverGetSubSequence Method (ILocation, ISequence)
Returns a sequence which contains bases from the specified sequence as specified by the location. If the location of a feature and sequence in which the feature is present is specified then this method returns a sequence which contains the bases of the specified feature. Please note that, 1. If Accession of the location is not null or empty then an exception will occur. 2. If the location contains "order" operator then this method uses SegmentedSequence class to construct the sequence. For example, order(100..200,300..450) will result in a SegmentedSequence which internally contains two sequences, first one created from 100 to 200 bases, and second one created from 300 to 450 bases.

Namespace: Bio.IO.GenBank
Assembly: Bio.Core (in Bio.Core.dll) Version: (
public ISequence GetSubSequence(
	ILocation location,
	ISequence sequence


Type: Bio.IO.GenBankILocation
Location instance.
Type: BioISequence
Sequence from which the sub sequence has to be returned.

Return Value

Type: ISequence

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:Bio.IO.GenBank.LocationResolver.GetSubSequence(Bio.IO.GenBank.ILocation,Bio.ISequence)"]


ILocationResolverGetSubSequence(ILocation, ISequence)
See Also