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ISequenceAlignment Interface
An ISequenceAlignment is the result of running an alignment algorithm on a set of two or more sequences. This could be a pairwise alignment, an MSA (multiple sequence alignment), or an overlap alignment of the sort needed for sequence assembly.

Namespace: Bio.Algorithms.Alignment
Assembly: Bio.Core (in Bio.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface ISequenceAlignment

The ISequenceAlignment type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlignedSequences
Gets list of the IAlignedSequences which contains aligned sequences with score, offset and consensus .
Public propertyDocumentation
Gets or sets Documentation object is intended for tracking the history, provenance, and experimental context of a sequence. The user can adopt any desired convention for use of this object.
Public propertyMetadata
Gets any additional information about the Alignment.
Public propertySequences
Gets list of sequences.
this is just a storage object – it’s up to an algorithm object to fill it in. for efficiency’s sake, we are leaving it up to calling code to keep track of the input sequences, if desired.
See Also