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OperonRegion Properties

The OperonRegion type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllele
Name of the allele for the given gene. All gene-related features (exon, CDS etc) for a given gene should share the same Allele qualifier value; the Allele qualifier value must, by definition, be different from the Gene qualifier value; when used with the variation feature key, the Allele qualifier value should be that of the variant.
Public propertyCitation
Reference to a citation listed in the entry reference field.
Public propertyDatabaseCrossReference
Database cross-reference: pointer to related information in another database.
Public propertyExperiment
A brief description of the nature of the experimental evidence that supports the feature identification or assignment.
Public propertyFunction
Function attributed to a sequence.
Public propertyGenomicMapPosition
Genomic map position of feature.
Public propertyInference
A structured description of non-experimental evidence that supports the feature identification or assignment.
Public propertyKey
Gets the key for this item. These are not necessarily unique within a list, which is why this is a property of an object to be included in a list, rather than omitting this as a property and using a dictionary instead of a list.
(Inherited from FeatureItem.)
Public propertyLabel
A label used to permanently tag a feature.
(Inherited from FeatureItem.)
Public propertyLocation
Gets the location of this feature in the sequence. This may also refers to other genbank files. For example, join(100..200,J00194.1:1..150) In this example location specifies joining of bases from 100 to 200 from the sequence in which this location data present and bases from 1 to 150 from the sequence who's accession number is J00194.1.
(Inherited from FeatureItem.)
Public propertyNote
Any comment or additional information.
Public propertyOperon
Name of the group of contiguous genes transcribed into a single transcript to which that feature belongs.
Public propertyPhenotype
Phenotype conferred by the feature, where phenotype is defined as a physical, biochemical or behavioral characteristic or set of characteristics.
Public propertyPseudo
Indicates that this feature is a non-functional version of the element named by the feature key.
Public propertyQualifiers
Gets the dictionary of attributes.
(Inherited from FeatureItem.)
Public propertyStandardName
Accepted standard name for this feature.
See Also