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ISnpReaderSkipToChromosomePosition Method (Int32)
This moves the cursor to the current/next SNP item containing the current chromosome number and position equal to the given position (i.e. Current.Position == position and Current.Chromosome does not change), or beyond the end of the enumerator if none exist. The enumerator should be positioned at or after the first item and at or before the last item. NOTE: This is useful when traversing sorted SNP sequences and need to jump to a specific chromosome position within current chromosome position.

Namespace: Bio.IO
Assembly: Bio.Core (in Bio.Core.dll) Version: (
bool SkipToChromosomePosition(
	int position


Type: SystemInt32
The position within chromosome number for the Snpitem to move to.

Return Value

Type: Boolean
Returns true if this position is found. False if the next chromosome number is encountered, or end of file is reached before the position is found. If returning true, the Current item will contain the starting chromosome number and given position.
InvalidOperationException The enumerator is positioned before the first element of the collection or after the last element.
See Also